Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Internet Explorer... you pathetic piece of shit

Okay, I haven't posted anything in a while, but that's because there isn't much to post at all. It is not that there's nothing interesting worth sharing in my life, rather, it's just that there's nothing that I want to share or can share with the public at this point. However, I just tried to access my blog using IE from the Math Library in the University of Melbourne and my blog looked like crap. So I tried accessing with Firefox and everything was completely fine. This clearly shows that IE is a piece of garbage and if you are still using IE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE go download Firefox before you come back to my site again. Or else, I will ban you from visiting my site.


  1. The only reason you have nothing to post is because you don't describe the lurid details of your kinky sex life.

    I mean, since that's the only thing happening in your life now, right?

  2. ie is a fucking piece of garbage code

  3. agree. FUCK INTERNET EXPLORER. it's a piece of dump - fuck you IE9!
